Our Story

Hi, we’re Crucial Tracking – thanks for dropping by!

Our Products & Services
We offer bespoke development services to our clients.  Our Premium GPS Tracking Platform can be customised with new Reports, Features and Integrations to fit your businesses' needs.

Our Team
We’re proudly Australian and we’re passionate about our family and our business.  We pride ourselves on our customer service and attention to detail.

Kris is our IT specialist.  He designed and built the platform and mobile apps from the ground up.  He’s the go-to guy for anything technical.

Yvonne is our customer service specialist.  She’ll assist you with everything from ordering, right through to aftercare, and even a few technical questions.

Our Company
Crucial Tracking is a registered trading name of Paramount Software Pty Ltd

Our parent company was established in 2011, in Perth, Western Australia.

ABN: 88 151 745 550
ACN: 151 745 550

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